Straight and aligned teeth enhance the appearance of your face and boost your dental health. Dental aligners are very popular among those who want to achieve a straighter smile without the hassle and inconvenience of typical braces. While aligners are generally safe and effective, unplanned emergencies that require immediate attention might happen.
If a dental aligner-related emergency arises, acting swiftly to avoid any treatment setbacks is crucial. You can stay in the process of achieving the desired results by keeping track of the condition of your aligners, adhering to the recommended recommendations for treatment, and contacting your orthodontist whenever you can.
This article concerns the most frequently occurring dental aligner problems and why dealing with them is essential. If you know the issues and how to respond, you can maintain your progress and get to the smile you want.
Common Dental Aligner Emergencies
Below are some of the most frequent dental aligner-related emergencies and why you should act quickly to prevent any problems with your treatment.
Cracked Aligners
One of the most frequent dental aligner issues is a cracked aligner. It could be due to many causes, including the pressure of your bite and dropping your aligners or over-pressure. It is advised to act if you discover a crack in the aligners. Unchecking the crack can cause the aligner to be ineffective or cause your teeth to move in the wrong direction.
To prevent this:
- Avoid eating sticky or hard foods.
- Don’t put them where they can be damaged.
- In the event of a crack, contact your dentist or orthodontist immediately to determine if a replacement is necessary.
Irritation or Sores
While it’s uncommon, wearing aligners for extended durations can cause irritation or sores in your mouth. This could be due to the edges of the aligners rubbing against your gums or cheeks. While this may sometimes feel uncomfortable, it’s crucial to continue wearing aligners to keep progress and discover ways to ease the discomfort.
First, try using orthodontia wax to smooth the edges of the irritating aligners. If that fails, go here to discuss with your dentist the possibility of using a gel that numbs the teeth to reduce the pain. Whatever you decide to do, do not remove your aligners from your mouth because this could cause you to set your progress back.
Lost Aligners
It’s another frequent emergency that can occur. It’s easy to lose aligners, mainly if you take them out often for eating or cleaning them. If you lose an aligner, you must contact your dentist or a provider of invisible braces. You may need to purchase new aligners, wear your older ones, or move on to the next one.
Allergic Reactions
While it is not common, some people may be sensitive to the components used in creating dental aligners. Itching, swelling, hives, and allergic reactions, are all possible symptoms. If you’re unsure if your body is allergic to the components within your aligners, it’s always best to consult an expert or look further into what are dental emergencies. They can perform tests on a patch to determine whether you are experiencing any reactions before starting your treatment.
Loose Aligners
Over time, your aligners can become loose or do not align properly. This can occur if you lose or gain weight or your teeth move more than anticipated. Treating this issue as soon as possible is essential to prevent any setbacks in your treatment.
If your aligners seem to be loose If your aligners are loose, consult your dentist or orthodontist immediately. They might need to alter the treatment plan to ensure your progress isn’t affected.